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Estas en la sección correspondiente al parque interjurisdiccional marino makenke, aquí encontraras los atractivos del parque. la fotografía de portada se ven Acantilados escarpados que se elevan sobre una amplia playa de piedras que se extiende a lo largo de la costa. Las olas del océano rompen contra la orilla, creando un marcado contraste entre las piedras oscura y la espuma blanca.



The Makenke Interjurisdictional Marine Park (PIMM) is a strictly marine protected area located on the central coast of Santa Cruz.

Created in 2012, it protects a landscape of high scenic, natural, and cultural value, crucial for the feeding and reproduction of various species of birds and marine mammals.

The area also has historical significance as the first meeting point between Spaniards and other explorers from the 16th century onwards.

Mapa del Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Makenke, ubicado en la costa de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. El mapa muestra la Península San Julián extendiéndose hacia el Océano Atlántico Sur


The PIMM is located in the central coastal marine zone of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, adjacent to the departments of Corpen Aike and Magallanes. It covers a maritime area of 72,673 hectares and includes both the seabed and the marine subsoil.

estas sobre una fotografía donde se ve una colonia de cormoranes de patas rojas se agrupa en los acantilados rocosos del Parque Marino Makenke. Las aves, con plumaje negro moteado y distintivas patas rojas, descansan y anidan en las grietas y salientes de la roca.


The main objectives of the PIMM are: to maintain representative samples of the marine ecosystem, protect the natural and cultural heritage, facilitate environmental research, promote sustainable activities, foster environmental awareness, and guarantee the responsible public use of the area.

estas sobre una fotografía donde se ve un grupo de lobos marinos de un pelo (Otaria flavescens) descansando en una costa rocosa del Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Makenke. Se pueden ver varios adultos y crías, algunos tomando el sol y otros interactuando entre sí. El agua se ve en primer plano, con algunos de los lobos marinos entrando o saliendo del agua.


The PIMM harbors a rich marine biodiversity, especially during breeding seasons.

Birds such as kelp gulls, gulls, plovers, sandpipers, flamingos, and marine mammals such as dolphins, Commerson's dolphins, and orcas find refuge and food in these waters.

The area also stands out for its giant kelp forests, which provide habitat for numerous marine species.

The southern elephant seal, the largest seal in the world, is an emblem of the park.

la fotografia muestra Impresionantes acantilados costeros en Puerto San Julián, Santa Cruz. Las capas de roca sedimentaria de colores claros contrastan con las oscuras rocas volcánicas en la base, donde un grupo de lobos marinos descansan cerca de las olas rompiendo.


The PIMM faces challenges such as coastal erosion due to climate change, water pollution from effluents, and disturbance of wildlife by human activities such as unregulated tourism and incidental fishing.

The lack of environmental knowledge and awareness, both among tourists and locals, also represents a threat to the conservation of the park.

It is essential to address these challenges to ensure the long-term preservation of this valuable marine ecosystem and its natural and cultural heritage.

Collaboration between authorities, local communities, and visitors is key to achieving a balance between conservation and sustainable use of the Makenke Marine Park.

Esas sobre la fotografía del edificio de la intendencia del parque marino makenke, se trada de una fachada de chapa, pintado de gris oscuro. Un gran letrero en el frente lo identifica como el "Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Makenke". La bandera argentina ondea con orgullo junto a la entrada. Un camino pavimentado conduce al edificio, y un cielo azul claro con algunas nubes es visible arriba.


PIM Makene Management


Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Av. Hernando de Magallanes 335 (CP 9310), Puerto San Julián, Santa Cruz.


02962 46-0952







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