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Hugo Giménez Agüero was a renowned Argentine singer-songwriter, considered one of the greatest exponents of Patagonian folklore. His songs, inspired by the life and landscape of the region, reflect the identity and spirit of southern Patagonia. His musical legacy endures to this day, transmitting the essence of this land through generations.


The word "Aoniken" comes from the Tehuelche language and means "people of the south" or "inhabitants of the south."



Aonikenk, aonikenk, aonikenk
Aonikenk, aonikenk, aonikenk

En cada margen del río Santa Cruz
In every bank of the Santa Cruz River

Te está llorando el silencio en el azul
The silence is crying for you in the blue

Por donde ayer, tu paso dibujó, la cruz al viento
Where yesterday, your step drew the cross in the wind

Guanaco cazador boleando al viento
Guanaco hunter swirling in the wind

Guanaco cazador boleando al viento
Guanaco hunter swirling in the wind


Aonikenk, aonikenk, aonikenk
Aonikenk, aonikenk, aonikenk

Todo era tuyo el mar, el río, el lago el cielo
The sea, the river, the lake, the sky were all yours

El resplandor del Sol fugaz sobre la nieve
The fleeting shine of the Sun on the snow

Eras el rey, errante soñador, de los desiertos
You were the king, wandering dreamer, of the deserts

Plumaje de ñandú boleando al viento
Rhea feathers swirling in the wind

Plumaje de ñandú boleando al viento
Rhea feathers swirling in the wind


Pero llegaron otros hombres
But other men arrived

Con un regalo y otra voz
With a gift and another voice

Para ganarse tu confianza
To earn your trust

Te sumergieron en alcohol
They submerged you in alcohol

Después te llamaba borracho
Then they called you a drunk

El mismo ser que te enseñó
The same one who taught you

Al mismo tiempo que ofrecía
At the same time offering

Por tus orejas un patacón
A patacón for your ears

Por tus orejas un patacón
A patacón for your ears


¿Para qué? ¿Para qué se pregunta el viento de ayer?
Why? Why does yesterday's wind ask?

¿Aquel que besó la frente del que cayera inocente muerto por el cañadón?
The one that kissed the forehead of the one who fell innocently dead in the gorge?

¿Para qué la pura sangre derramada en la ambición
Why the pure blood shed in ambition

En una tierra que aún sigue siendo un desierto hoy?
In a land that still remains a desert today?

Ay! Tierra mía, ay! Tierra mía
Oh! My land, oh! My land

¿Para qué te despoblaron, si no te saben poblar?
Why did they depopulate you if they don't know how to populate you?

¿Para qué tantas orejas, si no saben escuchar?!
Why so many ears if they don't know how to listen?!


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