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Bienvenido a la sección de las Malvinas.  Aquí podrás encontrar los lugares y monumentos que recuerdan la gesta de Malvinas en San Julián. Imagen de portada: Una fotografía en blanco y negro captura la valentía de los soldados argentinos durante la guerra. Marchan con determinación, llevando bolsones y la bandera argentina en alto.


During the Falklands War, Puerto San Julián played a strategic role as an operational base for the Argentine Air Force.


Its location near the South Atlantic theater of operations made it a critical point for refueling, maintenance, and deployment of combat aircraft, which carried out key missions against British forces.


Fotografía de un avión de combate Mirage, pintado con camuflaje verde y gris y la escarapela argentina, se eleva sobre un pedestal simulando el vuelo del avión. Debajo, un muro de piedra con placas conmemorativas honra a los caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas. Un cielo azul despejado se extiende sobre el monumento.



The Plazoleta Héroes de Malvinas (Malvinas Heroes Square), with the Mirage Dagger as its centerpiece, commemorates the bravery of those who fought in the Falklands War.

The aircraft, protagonist of the first mission to the islands, symbolizes the defense of Argentine sovereignty.

The square pays tribute both to the fallen and to all those who participated in the conflict from this strategic point in Patagonia.

Fotografía de un monumento en las afueras de Puerto San Julián. La escultura principal muestra la cola de un avión de combate incrustada en un muro donde está un mapa en relieve de las Islas Malvinas. El monumento se alza contra un cielo anaranjado al amanecer.


During the Falklands War, the Puerto San Julián Airport served as a key airbase due to its proximity to the islands.

This monument, featuring the imposing tail of an A-4C Skyhawk, pays tribute to the Air Mobile Squadron deployed in Puerto San Julián during the Falklands War.

The commemorative plaque highlights the bravery of these pilots, who, aboard these aircraft, challenged the British fleet from this strategic base.

Esta fotografía es del interior de el argensud, donde se ve posando a 5 militares sentados en un escritorio, detrás se pueden ver mapas colgados en un muro.



In 1982, the former Argensud building was closed and unused, which is why it was used as a military base for the 7th Artillery Group under the command of Colonel Pucheta.

The upper floor housed the command, intelligence, and communications offices.


There was also a department used as a rest area for high-ranking military personnel.

The basement was used as accommodation for the soldiers, and the fleet of trucks was parked in the courtyard.

Today at Argensud, you can find a wall with historical photographs from that time.



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